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Calls for papers

  • 11 Aug 2023 8:22 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    11th International Women in French Conference 

    University of Alabama
    Precarious Lives/Vie précaires

    28-30 March 2024  


    The COVID-19 pandemic, war in Ukraine threatening not only Europe but also shedding new light on other ongoing conflicts in Africa and the Middle East, series of climate change-related natural disasters, and attendant economic strain have thrown into relief what many of us were already aware of: the precarity of our own lives and that of those around us, human and nonhuman. However, as in most cases, that precarity is exacerbated by a number of systemic factors that impact us differently based on our position and identity. Women disproportionately left the workforce during the pandemic and many of the reasons driving this exodus were out of their control. Economic strain has been hardest on women of color; women, children, and minority genders make up the majority of refugees, including climate refugees. Despite being the “grande cause du quinquennat” during the first Macron term (and now renewed for the second), feminicide and domestic violence more widely continue to plague France, mirroring what has been happening in the rest of the world. For Women in French 2024 we invite you to consider the ways in which the precarity of women’s lives throughout history has been depicted in French and Francophone literature and culture. What are the factors that exacerbate that precarity? What or who else is vulnerable to these circumstances? In what ways has resilience emerged in response to these pressures? We welcome proposals of individual papers and entire panels on topics related to the overarching theme “Precarious Lives.”   

    The conference will take place in Tuscaloosa, AL at The University of Alabama March 28-30, 2024. While the organizers envision a largely in-person event, accommodations will be made for a limited amount of colleagues who need to participate remotely.  


    Possible topics may include but are not limited to:   

    Migration, immigration, asylum 
    War and genocide 
    Environment and ecology 
    Sexual and domestic violence 
    Class and economic dependency/independence 
    Race, sexual orientation, other intersectional identities 
    Charge mentale 
    Vulnerability studies 
    Illness and disability studies 
    Memory studies 
    Women and mythology 
    Women in second-class citizen status 
    Natural disasters and survival 
    Precarity and science fiction 
    Women and precarious democracies 
    Women and world order 
    Early emancipation movements 
    Transatlantic studies 
    Women and revolution  

    Participants may present in English or in French. Please send a 250-300 word abstract and short bio to by August 31, 2023. Participants will be notified of acceptance by October 31, 2023. Panel proposals should include a short (about 100 word) proposal for each paper and a description of the unifying idea of the panel of the same length, as well as a brief bio of each participant. 


    One Book, One WiF 

    In partnership with our colleagues in WiF UK-Ireland, WIF North America is furthering the 'One Book, One WiF' project that began in 2017. The aim of this initiative is to help promote critical interest in less known French and Francophone women writers and thus to increase the readership of their corpus. The author for the 2024 conference is Meryem Alaoui and the text is La Vérité sort de la bouche du cheval (2018). Proposals for papers or a panel on this book or the author in general are welcomed.

  • 18 Jan 2022 1:28 PM | Anonymous

    Deadline for proposals is April 20, 2022.

    Details in English and French in the document attached below:


  • 22 Sep 2021 1:27 PM | Anonymous

    In 2001, the George Sand Association created the Janis M. Glasgow Memorial Prize to honor the memory of Janis Glasgow, whose 1966 dissertation, “Psychological Realism in George Sand’s Early Novels,” represents one of the first scholarly studies of Sand in North America. In 2004, the GSA voted to change the name of the award to the GSA Memorial Prize to honor all pioneering Sand scholars now deceased.  Previous recipients are: Susan J. White (2004); Marie-Cécile Levet (2008); tied for first place, Rachel Corkle, Anne Marcoline, and Manon Mathias (2013); Marilyn Mallia (2015), Amélie Calderone (2017) and, most recently, in 2019, Rebecca Sugden. The next prize will recognize the best dissertation on George Sand defended in the years 2019, 2020 or 2021. Any doctoral dissertation, in English or in French, in whole or in part on Sand may be submitted to the prize committee by the January 15 deadline. Two members of the Editorial Board of George Sand Studies, along with one outside reviewer, will serve as judges. To submit work for consideration, please send, by no later than January 15, 2022, an abstract of the dissertation (generally from 1-3 pages in length), the table of contents, a curriculum vitae, and a letter of recommendation from the dissertation advisor, to Annabelle Rea (  Finalists may be asked to submit the entire dissertation at a later date.


    Pour honorer la mémoire de Janis M. Glasgow, dont la thèse, “Psychological Realism in George Sand’s Early Novels” (1966), fut l’une des premières études sur Sand en Amérique du Nord, l’Association George Sand avait créé en 2001 le prix de la meilleure thèse de doctorat consacrée à George Sand. Ce prix a été transformé en 2004 en « GSA Memorial Prize » pour honorer tous les collègues disparus qui ont consacré leur recherche à George Sand. Ont reçu ce prix, Susan J. White (2004) ; Marie-Cécile Levet (2008) ; Rachel Corkle, Anne Marcoline et Manon Mathias (ex aequo, en 2013), Marilyn Mallia (2015), Amélie Calderone (2017) et Rebecca Sugden (2019). Le prochain prix sera décerné à la meilleure thèse soutenue en 2019, 2020 ou 2021. Toute thèse, en anglais ou en français, consacrée entièrement ou en partie à George Sand peut être soumise au comité en charge de ce prix jusqu’au 15 janvier 2022. Le jury est constitué de deux membres du comité éditorial des George Sand Studies, à qui se joindra un/e évalutateur/trice externe.  Modalités de soumission : avant le 15 janvier 2022, envoyez, s’il vous plaît, à Annabelle Rea ( un sommaire de la thèse (normalement, d’une à trois pages) consacrée entièrement ou en partie à l’œuvre de Sand (en anglais ou en français) et soutenue en 2019, 2020 ou 2021. Joignez également la table des matières de la thèse, un curriculum vitae et une lettre de recommandation du directeur ou de la directrice de thèse. Le jury se réserve le droit de demander aux finalistes de lui soumettre par la suite la thèse entière.

  • 19 Jun 2021 9:51 PM | Anonymous

    Les Profs Accad et Toman cherchent à augmenter les contributions (en français ou en anglais) faites au cours de rencontres d’hommage à Andrée Michel en 2018 et 2019 au CNRS (nous vous communiquons par fichier joint les éléments de ces rencontres). Elles ouvrent donc aux membres de WIF la possibilité de nouvelles contributions concernant cette importante pionnière du féminisme. Nous cherchons particulièrement des études comparées (pluridisciplinaires, multiculturelles, etc.) sur l’impact de son œuvre sur les recherches féministes d’aujourd’hui.

    Veuillez envoyer d’ici fin août un résumé de 150-200 mots aux adresses courriels suivantes :

    Prof Evelyne Accad :
    Prof Cheryl Toman :

    Les articles complets acceptés seront attendus pour la fin décembre 2021.

    Pour plus d'informations :

    Projet rétrospective-hommage Andrée Michel.docx


  • 19 Jun 2021 12:24 PM | Anonymous

    Call for Submissions to Edited Volume

     Queer Realms of Memory: Marginal Sexualities and Identities in the French National Narrative

    For decades, the shortcomings of Pierre Nora’s influential seven-volume Les Lieux de mémoire(1984-1992) have only occasionally been brought to light. However, in their recent work Postcolonial Realms of Memory: Sites and Symbols in Modern France (2020), Étienne Achille, Charles Forsdick, and Lydie Moudileno question the “French incapacity and/or unwillingness to engage with the inherent and increasingly undeniable imbrication of the colonial in the roman national [national narrative]” (5-6). In particular, they aim to revise the French national narrative by including lieux de mémoire that are “deemed unworthy of remembrance or simply considered marginal” (2). In Postcolonial Realms of Memory, the authors issue an important corrective to expanding sites of memory to include those of the marginalized sites of memory pertaining to postcolonial history. Our project seeks to continue challenging France’s national narrative by giving space to queer experiences. While Achille, Forsdick, and Moudileno argue that Nora’s shortcomings on postcolonial identities “have been pointed out sporadically over the past two decades” (1), we contend his other omissions (queer and otherwise) have never been pointed out at all. In this edited volume, we aim to understand the specificities of queer remembering in the French national narrative. Specifically, our authors will explore the ways in which queerness—particularly in relation to LGBTQI identities—as well as non-normative sexualities and marginal identities influence remembering as it is constituted in expressions of national belonging, resistance, and resilience. 

    We understand “memory” and “realms of memory” in the broadest of terms and aim to incorporate diverse forms of representations and “realms” of representation that include among other categories institutions, territories, monuments, people, popular culture, and the everyday and objects. At the same time, we are uncomfortable with the long-accepted terms “lieu” and “realm” as they reify certain canonized kingdoms and empires of memory. As queer people have long been excluded from French and Francophone history, this project will also intentionally conjugate the term “site” as a way to redefine history and memory as a non-teleogical process where LGBTQ cultural representations come into focus across multiple temporalities. 

    Pierre Nora defines the lieux de mémoire as “At once natural and artificial, simple and ambiguous, concrete and abstract, they are lieux—places, sites, causes—in three senses—material, symbolic and functional” (14). We welcome contributions that will challenge Nora’s examples of lieux—be it the built environment (e.g. the café, La Tour Eiffel, le Panthéon, Collège de France) or the cultural and symbolic (e.g. the French language, gastronomy, wine, songs)—but we are particularly interested in proposals that would expand and challenge such parameters. We invite papers from broad disciplinary perspectives that include but are not limited to literatures of French expression, literary theory, cultural studies, anthropology, sociology, history, gender and postcolonial studies, sexuality studies, translation, and art, including music, dance, film, media studies, and photography. We encourage contributions that investigate queer realms of memory beyond “Hexagonal” France and that adopt a broad chronological scope. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following categories:

    ·         Institutions (political, educational, religious, commercial, etc.)
    Territories (Outre-mer, Africa, Paris/Province, etc.)
    Historical Narratives (Vichy France, Mai 68, MLF, Mariage pour tous, etc.)
    Monuments and Sites (commemorative and cultural lieux, queer community centers, museums, etc.)
    Cultural Icons (literary figures, singers, television personalities, etc.)
    The Everyday (food, nightlife, social media, etc.)
    Objects and Emblems (flags, touristic guides, maps, etc.)

    Initial proposals (50 words) should be sent to Siham Bouamer (, Denis M. Provencher (, and Ryan K. Schroth ( by August 1.

    For accepted proposals, we will then request a 400-word abstract and a brief biography (of up to 200 words) for September 1, 2021.

  • 10 May 2021 4:45 PM | Anonymous

    A gentle reminder: kindly encourage your best students to consider submitting their papers written in French (10-12 pages, notes and bibliography/works cited included), for consideration for the next competition of the WIF Undergraduate essay prize

    Deadline : June 15, 2021.

    Please see the WIF website for details and guidelines: 

  • 23 Apr 2021 9:27 PM | Anonymous

    Calendrier :
    Soumission de proposition de 500 mots pour le 15 décembre 2021
    Soumission de l'article (8000 mots maximu
    m) pour le 1er juillet 2022
    Soumission de l'article revu le 15 janvier 2023

    Information détaillées: George Sand Studies 2022-2023 Appel à Contributions-Call for Papers.pdf

    Deadline for submission of
    proposal (500 words): December 15, 2021
    Deadline for submission of completed article (8000 words maximum): July 1, 202
    Deadline for submission of revised article: January 15, 202

    For detailed information: George Sand Studies 2022-2023 Appel à Contributions-Call for Papers.pdf

  • 12 Apr 2021 1:28 PM | Anonymous

    Appel à contribution: Elsa Triolet

    Please find below a link to a call for papers in view of a special publication of ERITA (ERITA stands for “Équipe de Recherche Interdisciplinaire Triolet/Aragon”

    The call, titled Artiste, critique, écrivaine, journaliste, intellectuelle, activiste, traductrice, scénariste… Connaissez-vous Elsa Triolet ?”, is launched by Marianne Delranc-Gaudric and Geneviève Chovrelat-Péchoux.

    Please note that you must submit a proposal in French to:, or

    The deadline to send your abstract is September 01, 2021.

  • 26 Mar 2021 9:34 AM | Anonymous

    Call for papers : ‘Le masque et la plume’: speculative intertextualities in the works of André and Simone Schwarz-Bart, upstream and downstream
    Editors : Kathleen Gyssels and Odile Hamot

    The editorial team of RELIEF invites you to submit articles for a special issue on André and Simone Schwarz-Bart, which will appear in December 2021.

    Borrowing our title from a famous broadcast series, directed by the literary critic Jérome Garcin who befriended the couple, this issue essentially aims to show various influences on André and Simone Schwarz-Bart. Intertextuality is to be understood here in its broadest sense: we mean to address a wide variety of sources that have left their traces in their novels. The issue will also tend to demonstrate how the Schwarz-Barts influenced later authors. We also accept articles dealing with associative writing and the combined relationship in their co-signed works of fiction, and the question of gender as well as the “anticipation novel” in nexus. Finally, the reception of their posthumous work could be discussed both intra and extra muros, as well as the place of the authors in French-Caribbean theories.

    All in all the articles will shed light on how André and Simone Schwarz-Bart. in their un/published manuscripts, masked sources from a wide variety of cultural horizons and literary or artistic traditions (comprising traces of both Jewish and non-Jewish schools of thought). The issue will also demonstrate their imprints on contemporary and new writings of the (French) Caribbean and the Guianas.  

    This issue of RELIEF will contain scientific articles in French or English, which take into account one or more of the above-mentioned perspectives. Articles that take a transnational or comparative approach are particularly welcome.

    Deadline for proposals: May 1st, 2021. Authors of accepted proposals will need to submit the full article (5000-8000 words) before September 1, 2021. Please send a proposal of approximately 300 words, along with a short biography, to

    Appel à contributions: :  « Le masque et la plume » : Intertextualités spéculatives dans les œuvres d’André et de Simone Schwarz-Bart, en amont et en aval

    L’équipe de rédaction de RELIEF vous invite à proposer des articles pour un dossier thématique rédigé par Kathleen Gyssels et Odile Hamot, qui paraîtra en décembre 2021.

    Le numéro sera essentiellement consacré aux intertextualités spéculatives (ou diffuses), tant en amont qu’en aval, qui nourrissent et prolongent l’œuvre d'André et Simone Schwarz-Bart : il s’agira donc non seulement de démontrer les influences variées des auteurs/romans/poèmes sur les romans d’André et de Simone Schwarz-Bart mais également de mettre en lumière l'influence schwarz-bartienne sur les écrits d’auteurs ayant publié après eux. Le numéro, pluri­théma­tique, accueillera également des réflexions consacrées à l'écriture associative et à la relation conjuguée dans l'œuvre co/signée ; des articles répondant aux questions du gender (de quel(s) sexe(s) sont les écrivains schwarz-bartiens, l’identité genrée) ; mais encore des études portant sur les romans d’anticipation (in nexus) et sur l’œuvre posthume : défis et réception intra et extra muros et présence des auteurs dans les théories antillaises.

    Au total, le numéro voudra ainsi  illustrer non seulement la grande variété des horizons culturels et des traditions littéraires (juives et non juives) et artistiques (peintures, musiques) qui nourrissent l’œuvre, mais également la richesse des empreintes laissées par André et Simone Schwarz-Bart sur la littérature des Caraïbes (françaises) et des Guyanes.

    Ce numéro de RELIEF acceptera des articles critiques en français ou en anglais dans une ou plusieurs des perspectives mentionnées. Les propositions fondées sur une approche trans­nationale ou comparatiste (y compris en dehors de la francophonie) seront particu­lièrement appréciées.

    Date limite pour l’envoi des propositions : le 1er mai 2021. Les auteurs des propositions retenues devront soumettre l’article complet (5000 à 8000 mots) avant le 1er septembre  2021. Merci d’envoyer une proposition d’environ 300 mots, accompagnée d’une brève notice biographique, à

    RELIEF est une revue internationale évaluée par les pairs qui s'adresse à des chercheurs ainsi qu’à d’autres lecteurs intéressés dans le domaine de la littérature et la culture françaises du moyen âge jusqu'à nos jours. 
    Pour plus d’infos :

  • 29 Jun 2020 2:45 PM | Anonymous

    Please find attached (below) a call for papers for a special issue of the journal Nouvelles vues : revue sur les pratiques, les théories et l’histoire du cinéma au Québec, on the topic of Intercultural Encounters, prepared by Karine Bertrand (Queen's University) and Mercédès Baillargeon (University of Maryland). Please note that you may submit a proposal in either English of French, and that the deadline to submit an abstract is September 15, 2020. Please share widely!

    Nouvelles Vue CFP Traduction anglais (1).pdf (En) / NV_appel_no_22_Rencontres intercuturelles_Baillargeon et Bertrand .pdf (Fr)


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