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  • 29 Jun 2020 3:05 PM | Anonymous

    Framing Narratives:  NEMLA, 52nd Annual Convention

    March 11-12, 2021 | Philadelphia, PA

    Dear Colleagues,

    Please consider submitting an abstract for the following session at NEMLA in Philadelphia, PA, March 11-14, 2021. Abstracts (300 words+ short bio) must be received by September 30 at:

    Comparative Literature / Cultural Studies and Media Studies Panel:

    The notion of “frame narratives” has a long and honorable history in narratological studies and is updated here under the theme of the 2021 NEMLA convention “Tradition and Innovation.” How narratives are framed visually is a subject in fields as chronologically separated as 21st-century research on graphic novels and comics and the study of framed miniatures in illustrated Medieval manuscripts. This session proposes to update the traditional narratological conception of “frame narratives” to include the interpretive consequences of visual, in addition to rhetorical, framing. Proposals from different national literatures and time periods are welcome.

  • 10 Apr 2020 3:06 PM | Anonymous

    Call for Papers: Women in French panels @ the 2020 South Atlantic Modern Language Association conference.

    At this time the organizers remain hopeful that the conference will take place as planned in Jacksonville, Florida from November 13-15.

    Please consider sending a proposal in French or English to the chairs of Panels 1-4 (listed below) by July 15, 2020.

    For more information on SAMLA and the annual conference, please visit the conference website:

    We appreciate your support and thank you for your consideration.


    1. Women, Life Writing, and Scandals of Self-Revelation

    As life writing exposes purported truths about personal experience and identity, self-revelations in these accounts position these texts as potential objects of controversy as authors test the limits of telling all. Many authors have turned to life-writing practices to speak about intimate loss, family secrets, stolen childhoods, and physical, psychological, or historical trauma.  In this way, autobiography, autofiction, and memoir, remain potentially perilous terrains especially regarding the implications of others on which such self-accounts unavoidably depend. This panel seeks to explore the scandals behind or beyond such self-revelation. How has scandal served as impetus for textual creation? In what ways has the publication of “scandalous” texts implicated others whether in accusation, in solidarity, or by engaging in broader controversies or social discontent? How have such texts responded to scandal? What role do legal proceedings play in (self)censoring self-accounts? Proposals on examples of women engaged with or implicated in scandalous self-revelations in literature, film, theatre, and other modes of representation from all time periods and all areas of Francophone literature are welcome. Please send 250-word proposals in English or French along with presenter’s name, academic affiliation, and email to Adrienne Angelo ( by June 1, 2020.

    Chair: Adrienne Angelo, Auburn University, <>


    2. Scandalous Silence: Recovering the Rebellious Voices of Gisèle Pineau’s Oeuvre

    For nearly three decades, Gisèle Pineau’s writing project has spanned genres, using children’s stories, hybrid visual and narrative texts, fiction, and autofiction to address longstanding questions about Antillean women’s subjectivity, memory, racism in contemporary France, and the protean ramifications of the history of slavery. Despite the sustained and valuable scholarly interest in Pineau’s work, many of her texts have received surprisingly little critical attention. Indeed, Pineau has penned more than a dozen full-length works since the publication of her famous 1996 auto-fictional L’Exil selon Julia; yet, these texts have not garnered the scholarship they warrant. This panel therefore seeks to foreground lesser-known works by Pineau in the aim of generating a more comprehensive understanding of the richness of her writing career and the breadth of her inquiry into enduring issues of gender, race, history, and Antillean identity.

    Revised and expanded conference proceedings will be considered for a potential edited volume on Pineau.

    Please send 250-300 word abstracts in English or French to Lisa Connell and Delphine Gras at and by June 1, 2020.

    Chairs: Lisa Connell, University of West Georgia <> and Delphine Gras, Florida Gulf Coast University <>


    3. French and Francophone Women Who Break the Rules and Change the World

    This panel welcomes papers focused on explorations of rule-breaking in French and Francophone women’s writing, film, and other art forms. How do these women initiate and navigate change, shift social order, and contest inequities? Examinations of the liminal spaces between tradition and new order and the ways in which these texts challenge limitations of nationality, class, race, sex, and language are particularly welcome.

    Papers may be in French or English and may not exceed 20 minutes. Please send a 250-word abstract, brief bio and A/V requests to Susan Crampton-Frenchik, by June 1, 2020.

    Chair: Susan Crampton-Frenchik, Washington & Jefferson College, <>


    4. Making Art, Breaking Rules: Gender-Bending, “Genre-Bending,”  by French and Francophone Women Writers

    In French and Francophone societies, where men have historically dominated the arts, a woman daring to assert her own voice is already in itself an act of rebellion. On the one hand, by entering the literary and artistic landscape, women writers and artists transgress society’s expectations of their roles in the domestic sphere as only mothers, wives, and obedient daughters. On the other hand, by taking up the pen, women directly challenge artistic traditions dominated by men, or enter into forbidden territories. This panel will examine how French and Francophone women authors play with gender-bending and “genre-bending” in their works, in their lives, and in their critique of society and the artistic traditions they choose to write in or write back at. Among the questions one may ask are: How do women creators confront the “scandal” of their role as artists?  How do they negotiate scandal and censorship? How do they bend or break the rules of the genres they take on? How do politics inform and influence their works and their identities as women authors? Proposals on French and Francophone literatures, films, and other art forms are welcome. Papers may be in English or French.  Please send 250-word proposals in English or French to Cathy Leung ( by June 1, 2020 along with presenter’s academic affiliation, contact information, and A/V requirements.

    Chair: Cathy Leung <>


    5. Breaking Boundaries: Teaching Diversity and Inclusion in the French Classroom

    This panel (or potentially roundtable) seeks contributions that will engage with questions of teaching inclusion through breaking boundaries that limit our students. Presenters may suggest how to make the French Studies classroom a welcoming, inclusive, and productive learning environment. We will propose ways an educator can help increase diversity, inclusivity, tolerance, quality, and success in the French and Francophone classroom. Presentations addressing underrepresented populations, rethinking the terms related to diversity, identity, and being, as well ways to recognize systemic racism, sexism, ableism and unconscious bias are welcome. How can our teaching adapt to diverse student needs but also incorporate their realities as an invaluable resource of knowledge and understanding? How can we include cultural content which is interpretable or relatable to what students see and experience as a means to getting them to engage productively, perhaps even creatively, in a diverse world? 

    Please send 250-word proposals to E. Nicole Meyer ( by June 1, 2020 along with presenter’s academic affiliation, contact information, and A/V requirements.

    Chair: E. Nicole Meyer, Augusta University, <>

  • 25 Mar 2020 3:07 PM | Anonymous

    2nd Call for Papers for Women in French panel @ the SCMLA Annual Conference

    The Whitehall Hotel, Houston, Texas, October 8-10, 2020

    We are announcing the second Call for Papers for the WIF panel at the South Central Modern Language Association 2020 conference at the Whitehall Hotel in Houston, Texas, October 8-10, 2020. This year's theme is "Politics of Protest," but you may propose a paper on any topic related to the study of French and Francophone women authors, the study of women's place in French and Francophone cultures or literature, and/or feminist literary criticism. If there is sufficient interest, SCMLA will allow us to have 2 sessions. 

    The deadline for all abstracts has been extended. Please send a 250-300 word abstract in French or English on any topic by April 10, 2020 to the Chair: Theresa Kennedy, Baylor University, ( The SCMLA is paying close attention to the evolving situation with COVID-19, and will act accordingly. SCMLA will update members if any change of plans becomes necessary.

    If your proposal is accepted, you will be notified before April 30, 2020. Presenters must become SCMLA members by the time of the conference. All conference participants must reserve their rooms with the Whitehall Hotel by September 22, 2020 in order to receive the conference rate. More info may be found on the conference website: 

    All those interested in Women in French are encouraged to attend. Theresa Kennedy will organize dinner or lunch out for all WIF panelists and any other WIF members who would like to join. Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Kennedy if you have any questions ( We look forward to seeing you in Houston!

  • 20 Feb 2020 3:44 PM | Anonymous

    We are pleased to announce the following Women in French guaranteed session and two non-guaranteed sessions. Please send a 250-300 word abstract in English or French along with a short biography to the following chairs no later than March 6, 2020.

    MLA 2021 Women in French Guaranteed Session: "She Persisted Across Borders: Transnational Women's Writing in French" 

    How do women writers represent the transnational? How do they create works that span borders and/or that blur the boundaries between nations? How do they create literary texts that resist easy categorization into national literatures? Since transnational writing is currently a major area of academic enquiry, it is timely to examine how women writers negotiate this terrain.

    This panel will compare writing by women authors from diverse parts of the Francosphere and, since it is important to historicize transnational writing, from different time periods. The panel will be open to proposals that discuss all literary genres.

    Proposals may analyse, through a gendered lens, topics such as:

    • forced and unforced migration;
    • refugee narratives;
    • translingual and multilingual writing;
    • the differences between postcolonial, migrant and transnational writing;
    • the impact of publication practices upon transnational writing;
    • the career trajectories of transnational writers;
    • the reception of transnational writing;
    • transnational writing and translation;
    • the preponderance of transnational writing at a time of increased nationalism.

    Chair: Natalie Edwards, University of Adelaide (


    MLA 2021 Women in French 2 Non-Guaranteed Sessions:

    1. "Persistance de la jeune fille (1850-2020)"

    Qu’il s’agisse des affaires Polanski ou Ruggia pour le monde cinématographique, voire de l’affaire Matzneff pour celui des lettres, la jeune-fille semble le point central de ce que serait un effet « Me-Too », sinon Weinstein en France. Au cœur de débats de société qui reposent sur les témoignages de femmes adultes qui reviennent sur ce qui leur est arrivé lorsqu’elles étaient jeunes filles, scintille donc le concept, toujours complexe et instable de la « jeune fille ». De fait, la jeune-fille est-elle cet être qui se définit par négation sinon soustraction, et qui est marginalisée tout en étant célébrée et mythifiée par un certain regard masculin, voire par la publicité. Aussi, cette session se propose-t-elle de donner à entendre ce qu’est une jeune fille. Des interventions revenant sur ces affaires et sur les témoignages récents sont attendues, mais une réflexion transhistorique sur la notion de « jeune fille », ainsi que des analyses des romans de jeune fille au XIXème siècle, des travaux sur leur place dans le cinéma français des années 1960 ou de Sophia Coppola, voire sur la manière dont Tiqqun  ou Despentes traitèrent la question seraient tout autant bienvenues.  

    Chair :  Virginie A. Duzer, Pomona College (

    2. "Secrecy as Survival and Resistance in French and Francophone Literature"

    To whom are secrets revealed, and from whom are they concealed? How can secrets ensure survival, or threaten it? Do practices of secrecy aid marginalized cultures to resist erasure? Those who inherit, harbor, or disclose secrets do so for various reasons. The “secret of secrecy” constitutes the mystery of not only what it means to be fully human, but also what it means to persist despite threats to cultural and linguistic survival, especially for marginalized or subjugated individuals and communities: people of color, refugees, and peripheral cultures. Women, too, adopt practices of secrecy to protect themselves.

    For Derrida, the absolute "secret" that "has to do with not-belonging" and "the sharing of what is not shared" is integral to memory and storytelling (Derrida and Ferraris, 58-59). Derrida articulates his thoughts on secrecy in The Gift of Death (1992), and again with philosopher Maurizio Ferraris in A Taste for the Secret (first published 1997). In The Gift of Death, Derrida re-narrates the story of the sacrifice of Isaac to uncover an original constitutive trauma, a secret that humans inherit, which imposes a violence at the origin of all discourse. When Derrida writes about le secret in French, the word contains polysemic meaning for both the object as secret, hidden, confidential, and the concept and practice of secrecy, keeping things unknowable. But what happens when the unknowable or unknown becomes known? This panel will explore the inevitable trauma associated with secrets and the self in French-language literature, and how secrecy is related to what we do to survive.

    Derrida, Jacques. Trans. David Wills. The Gift of Death. U of Chicago, 1996.

    Derrida, Jacques, and Maurizio Ferraris. A Taste for the Secret. Polity, 2001.


    Lisa Karakaya, Graduate Center, CUNY ( and

    Antoinette Williams-Tutt, Graduate Center, CUNY (

  • 25 Jan 2020 3:08 PM | Anonymous

    Call for Papers for Women in French

    2020 Midwest Modern Language Association Convention

    Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    November 5-8, 2020

    Chères/Chers Collègues,

    I am pleased to announce the Call for Papers for WIF at the 2020 MMLA Convention (November 5-8 in Milwaukee, WI). This year’s theme is “Cultures of Collectivity.”

    Please send a 250-word abstract in French or English along with your academic affiliation, brief bio, and A/V requirements to Jennifer Howell, Illinois State University, by May 31, 2020. Proposals for complete panels are also welcome.

    Notifications will be sent by June 10, 2020. All presenters must be current members of both the Midwest Modern Language Association and Women in French in order to participate. Additional information can be found on the conference website:

    All those interested in Women in French are encouraged to attend. I will also organize a dinner out for all WIF panelists and WIF members who would like to join us. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions – and please excuse any glitches that may occur this year (I’m new!). We look forward to seeing you in Milwaukee!

    Respectfully yours,

    Jennifer Howell, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies @ Illinois State University

    Women in French Midwest Regional Representative

  • 21 Jan 2020 3:14 PM | Anonymous

    As an Allied Organization of the MLA, Women in French is guaranteed one session at the MLA Convention in Toronto, 7-10 January 2021. The Presidential Theme for the 2021 convention is Persistence. If you wish to propose a topic for our guaranteed session, please submit it by January 30, 2020 to Arline Cravens via email:

    Please limit your description to 200-250 words. Your topic will then be presented to the membership for an electronic vote. Normally, the person who proposes the session also chairs the session. A call for papers will then be posted on the MLA site and sent out to all members of WIF.  

    We are also eligible to propose two non-guaranteed sessions as well.

    Please do not hesitate to contact Arline Cravens ( if you have any questions. 

  • 6 Jan 2020 3:24 PM | Anonymous

    If you are interested in chairing a WIF panel at the 2020 South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA) annual conference, please send a call for papers by January 20, 2020 to Dr. Adrienne Angelo (

    Provide the following information:

    1) title of session;

    2) contact information of panel chair;

    3) a 150-200-word description of the panel;

    4) details for panel applicants, such as requested abstract length, submission deadline (May 15, 2020 suggested), any other special requests for submissions (i.e. brief bios, CVs, academic affiliation, etc.).

    The 2020 SAMLA conference is taking place from November 13-15, 2020 in Jacksonville, Florida.

    The theme of next year’s SAMLA conference is "Scandal! Literature and Provocation: Breaking Rules, Making Texts." Feel free to interpret that theme as broadly as possible, and you are also invited to propose a panel on another topic, too.

  • 5 Dec 2019 3:25 PM | Anonymous

    Call for Papers for Women in French Sessions

    2020 Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Conference

    Boulder, Colorado, October 7-10, 2020

    Please send a 250-300 word abstract in French or English, including presenter’s academic affiliation and contact information, to one of the panel chairs listed below by March 31, 2020.

    We are also planning an evening reception for members and those interested in Women in French. All those interested in Women in French are encouraged to attend.

    Please contact Dr. Sullivan directly ( if you have any questions.


    1. The Literature of Shock/La Littérature de choc

    In our contemporary environment saturated with attention-grabbing headlines, we are accustomed—or perhaps not—to encountering stories of shock and horror that vie for our attention. But what about literature that shocks, that demands that we respond not with admiration or attachment, but rather with confusion, fear, disgust, or outrage? How do we read texts that disturb our expectations, break with familiar paradigms, or violate an erstwhile integrity? And what if these texts don’t lead us back to our familiar frameworks of continuity, order, justice, freedom, etc.? What are our intellectual and visceral responses to shock, and why might those responses be important and not simply gratuitous?

    A l’heure actuelle, dans notre culture saturée d’histoires, nous avons l’habitude (peut-être) de lire des titres qui essaient de capter notre attention en faisant appel à des réactions de choc, de colère ou d’horreur. Mais comment réagir à la littérature de choc, une littérature qui exige qu’on réponde avec confusion, peur, dégout, ou indignation au lieu d’admiration ou d’attachement? Comment lire ces textes qui troublent nos attentes, qui déjouent nos paradigmes chéris, qui violent un sens de l’intégrité? Et que penser si ces textes ne nous ramènent pas aux systèmes familiers qui aboutissent à la continuité, l’ordre, la justice, la liberté, etc.? Quelles sont nos réponses intellectuelles et viscérales au choc? Comment et pourquoi ces réponses pourraient-elles être tout de même importantes et non pas gratuites?

    This call for paper proposals is not limited to works by contemporary writers. Discussion of French and Francophone women writers of any era or any genre are encouraged. 

    Chair: Eilene Hoft-March, Lawrence University (


    2. La femme invisible / The Invisible Woman

    “Vieillir, c’est finir par ne plus être vue” notes Grégoire Delacourt’s heroine in La Femme qui ne vieillissait pas (2018). In her however comprehensive 1949 Deuxième sexe, Simone de Beauvoir eluded this issue of invisibility, only stating that from the day they consent to ageing, women become “un être différent, asexué mais achevé : une femme âgée.” Our society still puts emphasis on women’s looks (smooth faces, slim and firm bodies) that fuels a billion-dollars beauty industry, all the while claiming that wrinkles are battle scars to be proud of and extolling women’s right to sexual pleasure at all ages – the ageing woman’s invisibility is indeed often tied to sexuality. Interestingly, menopause remains a taboo topic; according to Australian philosopher Germaine Greer in her 2018 The ChangeWomenAgingand Menopause, “it combines ageism and sexism.” Despite much progress since Beauvoir’s time when 40 was old, the fact remains that the woman over 50 is often doomed to invisibility. This panel will explore this invisibility in contemporary French fiction and/or film. How does the writer/director represent her character’s acceptance of, or reluctance or fight against ageing-related invisibility?

    Chair: Michèle Bacholle, Eastern Connecticut State University (


    3. Climate Crisis in the Francosphere

    As we begin the third decade of the 21st century, the climate crisis continues to inspire diverse reactions throughout the global community: scientists, politicians, and activists all over the world are responding with heightened urgency (and some with a perplexing denial of facts). Similarly, as more and more writers begin to address the climate crisis, the Environmental Humanities continues to gain traction, and “Digital Environmental Humanities” has appeared as a discipline. This panel seeks to explore varieties of women’s environmental engagement in the “francosphere.” Not limited to literature, the panel wishes to address all forms of women’s activism or engagement in the contemporary period of climate crisis. In what ways do women’s movements, literary works, digital or artistic engagements address climate change, environmental destruction, natural disasters, nuclear colonialism, or resource exploitation? How are women in France, the Indian Ocean, Oceania, the Caribbean, Africa, Canada, or other French-speaking areas responding to the contemporary climate crisis? How do class categories play a role in women’s environmental engagements and environmental justice debates? Paper proposals focusing on any of these regions, questions, or modes of engagement are welcome. 

    Chair: Julia Frengs, University of Nebraska (


    4. Identity Matters: Self-determination, Affirmation, and Naming (Oneself) in Contemporary France

    On a 2019 special episode of the Binge Audio podcast Couilles sur la table, French author and philosopher Didier Eribon creates formative coincidence between comprehension of his queer and working-class identity and a string of influential sociohistorical markers including the 19th century industrial revolution, working class movements, and the campy inverts of late nineteenth-century Europe. He states: “ma date de naissance, c’est la naissance des grands mouvements ouvriers […] ma date de naissance, c’est le front populaire […] ma date de naissance, c’est aussi le procès d’Oscar Wilde.”  Conversely, and several months earlier on the same podcast, trans-feminist philosopher and author Paul Preciado calls for a disassociation from the postmodern, neoliberal “délire de la nomination” desiring instead an embodied philosophical practice that would reduce the particularisms of identitary movements to the abstract notion of “corps vivants”: living bodies deserving of rights, respect, and dignity as such. 

    We might understand Didier’s comments as informed by the oft criticized communitarian currents of Anglo-American political movements that have, for better or worse, seeped into French socio-cultural terroir, but that are often seen as necessary, for those that adhere to them, to spotlight the blind spots of French universalism ; for Preciado, we might see the influence of France’s vision of universalism often touted as the ideological response to the noxious particularism of communitarian ideals in France. 

    This panel seeks contributions that will engage with questions of naming identity in contemporary France.  Are identity politics important/no longer important in the Hexagon? How do identity politics/resistance to identity politics play out in French and francophone cultural productions (literature, film, podcasts, web content, etc.)? What are the cultural, political, and linguistic stakes of self-determination in French and francophone culture? Have we moved/should we be moving toward a post-identity notion of the social/of politics in France and in francophone culture? And where does universalism/communitarianism fit into this movement?

    Chair: CJ Gomolka, DePauw University (


    5. Space, Place and Time in French and Francophone Women’s Narratives

    Power, identity and relationships often relate to place and, arguably, space. For example, questions of family and / or immigration seemingly involve not only these but the notion of time. This session proposes to investigate space, place, and time, and how these concepts play out in women’s narrative (texts or films). In what ways do women’s narratives create new understandings of space, place and time? In what ways might these spaces and places be gendered? And, in what way are they an experience of identity? Does women’s experience create a new space, place, or concept of time, and if so, in what ways? 

    Chair: E. Nicole Meyer, Augusta University ( 

    6. La femme et le genre policier / Women and the genre of the detective story

    In the detective story genre, women are more often than not the victims of a crime that a man is then in charge of solving. What happens when the woman plays a different part in this genre? How are women represented in detective novels / films / series when they are not the victims of the crime, but the detective or the criminal? Paper proposals looking at representations of women-other-than-victims in detective stories, from any era or region, are welcome.

    Dans le genre policier, la femme est plus souvent qu’à son tour la victime du crime qu’il revient alors à un homme de résoudre. Que se passe-t-il lorsque la femme joue un autre rôle dans ce genre? Quelles représentations trouve-t-on de la femme dans le roman / film / feuilleton policier lorsqu’elle n’y est pas la victime du crime, mais la policière ou la criminelle? Les propositions de communication portant sur les représentations de la femme-autre-que-victime dans les histoires policières de n’importe quelle période ou région, seront considérées.

    Chair: Véronique Maisier, Southern Illinois University (

    7. La Francophonie a-t-elle un passé ?

    De nos jours, les études francophones se concentrent essentiellement sur des auteures contemporaines, au Québec, dans les anciennes colonies du Maghreb ou d’Afrique sub-saharienne, ou les pays européens dont le français est l’une des langues principales. Certains pourraient se demander s’il existait des auteures francophones avant la seconde moitié du XXe siècle. Y-a-t-il eu dans le passé des auteures de langue française vivant ou écrivant hors de France ? Certains se souviennent sans doute de quelques Européennes francophones, telles que la Néerlandaise Isabelle de Charrière (1740-1805) ou la Vaudoise Isabelle de Montolieu (1751-1832), aujourd’hui incorporées dans le corpus littéraire français, dont les écrits n’ont pas échappé à la critique féministe. Moins connu est le fait que la tsarine Catherine II de Russie (1729-1796) écrivait en français des pièces destinées à être représentées pour un public privé dans son théâtre de l’Ermitage ; elles ont été recensées par Cecilia Beach en 1994, mais jamais étudiées. Que nous apprendraient-elles sur le mélange des cultures en dehors de la France ? Ne faudrait-il pas y consacrer l’attention de la critique francophone ? Y-a-il parmi les générations et les siècles qui nous précèdent des romancières, poètes, dramaturges ou journalistes dans d’autres pays et d’autres régions du monde dont l’œuvre en français mériterait d’être ressuscitée et étudiée ?

    Cette session propose de pousser la recherche francophone au-delà du temps et de l’espace sur lesquels elle se concentre à présent, d’aller à la découverte d’auteures de langue française, inconnues ou peu connues, de quelque genre que ce soit, ayant contribué au rayonnement de la langue et la culture françaises de par le monde. Comment ces auteures sont-elles devenues francophones ? Quelle place la langue et la culture françaises occupaient-elles dans leur pays ou leur région ? Quelle influence leur œuvre ou leur francophonie a-t-elle eue sur leurs compatriotes ? En somme, l’objectif de cette session est d’ouvrir de nouvelles frontières et d’explorer de nouvelles voies de recherche.

    Chair : Samia Spencer, Auburn University (

  • 11 Nov 2019 3:30 PM | Anonymous

    “Approaches to Teaching Colette” session at the AATF conference in Trois Rivières, Québec, July 15-18, 2020

    Proposed by Tama Engelking, Cleveland State University

    For the 2020 AATF Convention in Trois-Rivières Québec, Dr. Engelking is proposing a 65-minute panel that will bring together different approaches to teaching Colette.  Colette’s work is often anthologized and several of her short stories are regularly featured in intermediate texts and readers, yet French teachers often have difficulty knowing how to situate her work and how to approach teaching the rich diversity of the texts she produced over her long career since they do not neatly fit into many of the standard categories of literature survey courses.  Dr. Engelking is organizing this panel to showcase diverse approaches to teaching Colette’s work with the goal of providing pedagogical materials and ideas to participants so they will consider incorporating (more of) Colette’s work into the curriculum.  Approaches may be geared for any level of proficiency and can be in French or English.  A second reason for this panel is to explore interest in developing a volume on Colette for the MLA “Approaches to Teaching” series. A volume devoted to the wide variety of approaches to her work that also includes pedagogical support materials will be of interest to many scholars and teachers of French literature.   

    Dr. Engelking's plan is to include 3-4 speakers in this proposed 65-minute session.  To be considered, please email the following to  by November 15th:

    1. The title of your paper along with a description of 250-500 words
    2. An abstract of 50-75 words (for the program)
    3. AATF membership status.  Proposals submitted by members are given preference by the section committee

    Dr. Engelking will let you know by November 21st if your paper has been selected for the proposed panel so that we can finalize the submission to the AATF by the December 1st deadline. 

    Note from Dr. Engelking: If you are not able to or interested in attending the 2020 AATF conference, but are interested in contributing to a volume on “Approaches to Teaching Colette,” I would love to hear from you.  I am starting to gather information about creating a proposal for the series.  One of the first steps is to send out a questionnaire to find out exactly how Colette is being taught.  Feel free to send me an email, and I also invite you to share course syllabi that include works by Colette.

  • 11 Nov 2019 3:29 PM | Anonymous
    "French for Specific Purposes" session at the AATF conference in Trois Rivières, Québec, July 15-18, 2020

    Submit an abstract Nicole Meyer ( by November 20th.

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