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Calls for conferences

  • 21 Sep 2021 6:45 PM | Anonymous

    Attached, please find the CFP for Christopher Newport University's Global Conference on Women and Gender to be held in March, 2022.

    Community, Care and Crisis.pdf

    Abstracts are due October 1st, 2021

  • 25 Aug 2021 4:29 PM | Anonymous

    Seeking panelists for Emmelie Prophète, citadine port-au-princienne” panel chaired by Jocelyn Sutton Franklin and Nathan Dize.

    To be held during the 20th & 21st Century French and Francophone Studies International Colloquium at the University of Pittsburgh on March 24-26, 2022. 

    The panel will focus on the writings of the Haitian writer Emmelie Prophète and her engagement with the city of Port-au-Prince as a critical point of departure. 

    Depending on the level of interest in the topic, the chairs are open to shifting the panel to a “lightning talk” roundtable, where participants will address the topic of the panel in shorter 5-7 minute presentations. The aim of the panel is to draw attention to Prophète’s many works and to generate interest in the reading, teaching and study of her novels and poetry. 

    If you are interested in contributing, please submit 1) a preliminary title for your presentation AND 2) a 50-100 word abstract of the works/angle you wish to explore.

    Click here for the panel description.

    If you are interested please send us an email to ( and/or (

  • 28 Jul 2021 4:16 PM | Anonymous

    Roundtable: Professional Issues around Women, Work and Care
    Sponsored by Women in French

    NeMLA 2022

    Baltimore, MD March 10-13

    Chair: Anne Brancky

    The pandemic has been especially catastrophic for working women and for those in precarious employment positions, including contingent faculty, the underemployed, low-wage workers and freelancers. This roundtable invites participants to explore professional issues that have been exacerbated or illuminated by the pandemic related to working conditions, dependent care, racial equity, pay, pedagogy, accessibility and accountability. How have we been called on to care for others? Where have we been stretched too thin? How can we establish mutual support? What can we learn from each other’s successes in making change at individual institutions? What might the future of the profession look like? What can we do to influence and shape this future? 

    Topics may include: racial equity, caretaking, job precarity, online teaching, resources, parental and sick leave, sabbaticals, research, tenure, the review process, retirement, graduate school, stipends, funding, etc.

    Please upload your proposed abstract (~250 words) to the NeMLA portal by September 30, 2021.

    Contact Anne Brancky ( with any questions you might have.

  • 28 Jul 2021 4:11 PM | Anonymous

    Panel: Women and the Invisible Labor of CareWomen in French Panel
    NeMLA 2022Baltimore, MD March 10-13

    Deadline for Abstract Submissions: September 30, 2021

    Chair: Anne Brancky

    Session Description:

    So much of the caretaking that makes the world turn falls into the category of “invisible labor” or “invisible work.” It is underpaid, ignored, maligned and marginalized. Yet many writers, thinkers and filmmakers have focused their attention on this essential but unseen labor of care. In her recent work, Françoise Vergès has emphasized capitalism’s fundamental reliance on the invisible cleaning and care work undertaken largely by women of color. “The cleaners’ invisibility,” she writes, “is required and naturalized.” This invisibility is duplicated in cultural representation. Feminist theorists like Janelle Hobson and bell hooks critique the absence and erasure of Black women in film and offer oppositional ways of looking that create new forms of agency. In her work, Assia Djebar has explored and exposed the invisible worlds of women in domestic spaces and of Europe’s obsession with visually penetrating those worlds. 

    This panel seeks to direct our gaze to the unseen, invisible work of care undertaken by women in literature, film and other cultural artefacts. Who cares for whom? What kind of care is unseen? How do writers, artists and filmmakers draw our attention to these otherwise invisible responsibilities, charges, nourishments? What happens when light is shone on this work of care? How does it open to new perspectives, new approaches, new epistemologies? 

    Please upload your proposed abstract (~250 words) to the NeMLA portal by September 30, 2021.

    Contact Anne Brancky ( with any questions you might have.

  • 13 Jul 2021 11:56 PM | Anonymous

    See file attached below for full Call for Papers:

    Appel Représentations et réceptions médiatiques d’écrivaines de langue française (19e-21e siècles).docx


    Nous sollicitons la participation de chercheur.e.s internationaux pour cette journée d’étude, qui aura lieu le 12 novembre 2021 sur Zoom. Les propositions (environ 300 mots) devront être accompagnées d’une brève notice bio-bibliographique et sont à envoyer avant le 15 août 2021 au comité organisateur (Mercédès Baillargeon, Maria Beliaeva Solomon et Elsa Courant-Bares) à l’adresse suivante: Les communications pourront être effectuées en français ou en anglais.  

    Les propositions seront examinées par un comité de lecture qui inclut Mercédès Baillargeon (University of Maryland), Maria Beliaeva Solomon (University of Maryland), Elsa Courant-Bares (CNRS), Marie-Ève Thérenty (Université Montpellier 3) et Michèle Schaal (Iowa State University). Les réponses seront envoyées début septembre au plus tard.


    We are seeking the participation of international researchers for this study day, which will take place on November 12,  2021 via Zoom. Proposals (approximately 300 words) as well as a brief bio-bibliography,  must be sent to the organizing committee (Mercédès Baillargeon, Maria Beliaeva Solomon et Elsa Courant-Bares) before August 15, 2021 at the following email address: Papers may be presented in French or in English. 

    The proposals will be reviewed by a scientific committee, which includes Mercédès Baillargeon (University of Maryland), Maria Beliaeva Solomon (University of Maryland), Elsa Courant-Bares (CNRS), Marie-Ève Thérenty (Université Montpellier 3) and Michèle Schaal (Iowa State University). Selected participants will be notified by early September at the latest.

  • 13 Jul 2021 11:49 PM | Anonymous

    For Whose Own Good?: French (Post-)Colonialism and Interdependence
    (Baltimore, MD March 10-13)
    Chair: Bethany Schiffman (University of California, Los Angeles)

    Panel Abstract:

    “C’est avec 76.900 hommes que la France assure la paix et les bienfaits de la civilisation à ses 60 millions d’Indigènes. ”

    So reads a French colonial propaganda poster from the 1931 Exposition Coloniale. Indeed, throughout its long colonial history, France painted itself as bringer of good, enlightenment, health, and happiness to those “less fortunate” around the world. This is the essence of the mission civilisatrice. Of course, the lived reality of French colonial rule was far from caring. Rather, it was exploitative, essentializing, and violent. But it also undeniably created systems of interdependence that endure, not least of which is the lasting hegemony of the colonizer’s language. These systems affect everything from representation to (im)migration to questions of individual and national identity. Better understanding colonialism’s role in shaping our past and our present will help illuminate the complicated, ongoing power dynamics it created and the lasting ways in which it both facilitated and hindered caring and interdependency.

    A range of topics facilitate a better understanding of these issues. What moments of caring, if any, were able to exist within the colonial system? How did it create networks of (inter)dependency? How do those networks continue to exist and evolve today? How do these relationships play out in cultural texts? How is cultural production used as a way to promote caring in this system, either retroactively through memory or by addressing remaining power differentials? What is the impact of (post)colonialism and systems of interdependency on the environment? This panel invites papers, in English or French, that unpack the historical and contemporary influences and impacts of colonialism on caring in the francophone world.


    This panel invites papers in English or French that explore the past and present of the entanglement of French colonialism and caring, broadly defined. Possible topics include (but are not limited to) its presentation as a project of nurturing (la mission civilisatrice) to its creation of systems of interdependence that have lasting influences on questions of (im)migration, identity, and representation to its impact on the environment.

    Please upload your proposed abstract (~250 words) to the NeMLA portal by September 30, 2021

  • 19 Jun 2021 10:36 PM | Anonymous

    New deadline: 30th of September 2021.

    See attached file for full CFP: The Immersive Potential of Literature and Hybrid Media in the 20th and 21st Centuries Women in French Postgraduate_ECR International Symposium .docx

    Proposals are welcome in both English and French.

    Please send abstracts to Individual papers will be 15-minutes long. All submissions should be accompanied by a short (100-word) biography of the presenter(s). Please ensure that your abstracts and biographies are included in the same document, that the title of this document includes your name, and that you specify the time zone that you will be presenting from:

    - Individual proposals should be no more than 250 words

    - Panel proposals should not exceed 1,000 words, and should include a brief description of the panel and of the individual papers included in the panel.

  • 19 Jun 2021 10:31 PM | Anonymous

    Australian Society for French Studies Conference 2021
    8-10 December 2021

    Un.sited: “Sites” in French Studies

    Online conference

    Hosted by the French Discipline, School of Language and Cultures
    University of Queensland

    We invite proposals - in French or in English - for:

    • Individual research papers: presentations of 15 minutes, followed by 10 / 15 minutes of discussion.
    • Panels: three x 15-minute papers, followed by discussion.
    • Roundtable discussions: these might relate to research practice, to teaching practice, to language policy (for example).
    As is the usual ASFS practice, we will consider proposals on topics other than the conference theme, within the constraints of the programme.

    Proposals to be sent to by 30 July 2021

    See attached file for CFP: Australian Society for French Studies Conference 2021.docx

  • 19 Jun 2021 9:40 PM | Anonymous

    Proposals are still being accepted for the following Women in French sessions at the 2021 South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA) annual conference which will be held this year in Atlanta, Georgia from November 4-6. At this time SAMLA is proceeding optimistically with its plan to return to its traditional in-person format but is prepared to transition to an online forum in the event of updated travel and/or social gathering restrictions.   

    Please consider sending a proposal in French or English to one of the panel chairs listed below by June 30, 2021

    For more information on SAMLA and the annual conference, please visit the conference website: 

    In addition to registering as a member of SAMLA and also for the SAMLA conference, presenters must also be current on their membership in Women in French.

    1. Francophone Womxn Creating Apart and Connecting Together 

    The theme of this year’s SAMLA conference, “Social Networks, Social Distances,” invites us to reflect on the contradictory challenges that we have faced in these pandemic times. How do we connect with others in solitude? How might isolation foster a sense of connection or community? As a Women in French panel, this session will explore these questions in the context of French and Francophone womxn artists and writers. Proposals on examples of womxn who create apart and connect together in literature, film, theatre, and other modes of creation from all time periods and all areas of Francophone culture are welcome. Possible topics might include but are not limited to illness, disability, incarceration, injustice, difference, trauma, family, and exile. Please send 250-word proposals in English or French along with presenter’s name, academic affiliation, and email to Adrienne Angelo ( by June 30, 2021. 

    Chair: Adrienne Angelo, Auburn University, <

    2.Women/Mapping/Other: Womanist/Feminist Map-making and Cartographies of Change 

    The aim of the session is to explore women’s and/or feminist map-making and its effects on social networks through various facets including, but not limited to, the geographic, literary, philosophical, political, artistic, pedagogical, architectural, and the every-day. Possible questions of interrogation could be the following: What do feminist or woman-made maps look like? In what spaces do they emerge? How do women’s or feminist perspectives in mapping “intersect, parallel, or diverge,” as cartographers Meghan Kelly and Britta Ricker hypothesize, from conventional cartographic practices? What risks do they entail? What is seen and what is not seen, and why? What are their effects on social networks, social distances, and society at large? Since this session is part of the Women in French panels, papers that focus on French-speaking peoples and spaces (i.e., cities, texts, artworks, classrooms, etc.) are invited; those from diverse approaches, perspectives and disciplines are especially welcome. Please send an abstract of approximately 150 words in either French or English and a brief bio to Jodie Barker ( by 30 June 2021. 

    Chair: Jodie Barker, University of Nevada, Reno, <> 

    3.  Complicated French and Francophone Women 

    This panel welcomes papers focused on the exploration of the ways in which French and Francophone women’s writing, film, and other art forms initiate, navigate, and complicate notions of distance and network.  How do these women create new understandings of social order and contest inequities?  Examinations of the liminal spaces between tradition and new order and the ways in which these texts challenge perceptions of identity, privilege, nationality, class, race, sex, gender, and language are particularly welcome. Papers may be in French or English and may not exceed 20 minutes.  Please send a 250-word abstract, brief bio and A/V requests to Susan Crampton-Frenchik,, by June 30, 2021. 

    Chair: Susan Crampton-Frenchik, Washington & Jefferson College, <

    4. From Socially Marginalized Women to Thriving Writers: Overcoming Class- and Gender Barriers through Literary Networking-Success Stories from Nineteenth-Century French Actresses 

    Zola’s novel Nana presents in typical naturalist manner a rather misogynist portrayal of a nineteenth-century variété theatre actress, who ascends from streetwalker to high-class courtesan, yet, remains destined to fail, because of hereditary and social determinants. The novel mirrors, to an extent, late nineteenth-century French society’s perception of actresses, whose amorous affairs were seen as a professional attribute that enabled these women to support their lifestyle, providing them with financial support and beneficial social relationships. Several contemporary actresses, who eventually embraced a journalistic or literary career, played with this cliché and used it for their own benefit, and that of other female stage performers, artists and writers. They parodied the existing gender-bias, frequently pursued a feminist agenda, all the while drawing on their seduction techniques acquired on and off stage. Roberts illustrated this convincingly in Disruptive Acts, her book about the former actress and future journalist Marguerite Durand, founder of the feminist newspaper La Fronde. Other examples might be Séverine or Marie Colombier; but they certainly were not the only ones. This panel seeks to look at (former) nineteenth-century actresses turned journalist/writers who were able to network successfully with female colleagues to strengthen each other’s careers, preventing a naturalist “fail.” Please send your 150-200 words paper proposal, contact information, and a 50-word biographical statement to Elisabeth-Christine Muelsch (  by June 30, 2021. 

    Chair: Elisabeth-Christine Muelsch, Angelo State University 

    5. Revisioning Narrative (Identities) and Space 

    The current pandemic offers us the possibility of (re)viewing identity, disidentification, and, most importantly, new ways of articulating becoming. As we physically distance and redefine ourselves as well as our relationships with others, we discover new angles. Social distancing risks dislocation. It may, however, bring intimacy within ourselves as well as connection to others in new ways. We seek to explore how this plays out. No limits apply. These questions resonate through narrative (literary, film, etc.) and in our classrooms. We welcome examining identity, disidentity, or other positionings within and through everyday life and narrative in the broadest sense. Like our experience of time during the pandemic, such concepts expand, contract, in a continual (de)centering of text and existence. Perhaps this means the current actuality of a Zoomified world that ruptures our contact with the physical object, such as book and paper, as we engage with the keyboard and bright light of the screen.  How is the contemporary moment represented in text or classroom, past or present? We look forward to adding your voice to the discussion. By June 30, 2021 please send an abstract of 200-250 words to both E. Nicole Meyer and Kiki Kosnick 

    Co-Chairs: E. Nicole Meyer, Augusta University, <>, and Kiki Kosnick, Augustana College, <>

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