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Women in French

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Calls for conferences

  • 19 Jun 2021 12:33 PM | Anonymous

    English version follows

    La conférence sera tenue du 12-14 mai 2022.

    Pour les détails complets, veuillez consulter le document suivant : 10e conférence internationale WIF.docx

    Contributions :

    Les propositions de communications ne doivent pas dépasser les 250 mots et doivent comprendre les coordonnées des intervenant.e.s ainsi qu’une notice bio-bibliographique (100 mots au maximum).

    Les organisatrices encouragent la soumission de panels (3 intervant.e.s au minimum, 4 au maximum). Les propositions de panels doivent comprendre une explication de 250 mots ainsi que toutes les propositions individuelles.

     Soumission :

    Les propositions individuelles ou de panels peuvent être soumises au plus tard le 1er septembre 2021 via le site Internet de la conférence :

    Report de la conférence WIF 2020 :

    Les présentations qui figuraient au programme de la conférence WIF 2020 seront automatiquement acceptées, à condition d’être resoumises à l’identique via le site de la conférence. Toute nouvelle contribution sera, en revanche, sujette à une évaluation par le comité scientifique. De même, les bourses WIF attribuées pour la conférence de 2020 seront automatiquement versées aux bénéficiaires, sous condition que leurs contributions soient identiques à celles sélectionnées pour l’édition de 2020. Toute nouvelle proposition de présentation devra faire l’objet d’une autre demande de bourse WIF.

    The conference will be held from the 12th-14th of May 2022.

    For complete details, you may refer to the following document: 10e conférence internationale WIF.docx


    Individual abstracts should not exceed 250 words and should include the presenter’s contact information as well as a short biography (100 words maximum). Proposals for three- or four-paper panels are also encouraged. Panel proposals should include a 250-word rationale for the proposed topic as well as individual abstracts.



    Individual abstracts or panel proposals must be submitted no later than September 1, 2021 via the conference website


    Postponement of the WIF 2020 conference:

    Papers included in the WIF 2020 conference program will be automatically accepted, provided they are submitted identically through the conference website. Any new contribution will, however, be evaluated by the scientific committee. Likewise, the WIF grants awarded for the 2020 conference will be automatically paid to the beneficiaries, under the condition that their contributions are identical to those selected for the 2020 edition. Any new presentation proposal would require an new application for a WIF conference grant.

  • 17 May 2021 11:53 AM | Anonymous

    Hosted online by the Institute of Modern Languages Research (IMLR), the symposium (October 1-2, 2021) will focus on “Narratives of Selfhood and Ambivalence” in contemporary works of literature, film, visual art and hybrid media (artist books, photo-texts, bande dessinée, internet-based media, etc.), from 1980 to the present. This online event is aimed at an international audience, welcoming presentations from postgraduate students and early career researchers (ECRs) working across the Modern Languages.

     Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Postcolonial narratives of exile and identity fragmentation
    • Multilingualism and identification through language 
    • Representations of gender-fluid experiences 
    • Transgressive portrayals of the self or resistance to normative notions of identity (in relation to culture, class, sex, gender)
    • Corporeal alienation (triggered by traumatic experiences and/or memories, sexual violence, etc.)
    • Self-representation through hybrid media and/or genre
    • Autofictions and/as formal ambivalence
    • Authorial posturing and rhetorical ambivalence
    • Ambivalence as a trope in character development 
    • Resistance to hermeneutic stability and resolution in genre or narrative 

    For individual proposals of 15 minutes, please send a 250-word abstract prior to 31 May, with a short author bio, to Françoise Campbell ( and Beth Kearney ( For panel proposals of 45 minutes (three speakers), please send a 500-word summary outlining all papers.

    See attached file for more information:Call for Papers Narratives of Selfhood and Ambivalence Postgraduate and ECR Symposium at the IMLR .docx

  • 17 May 2021 11:44 AM | Anonymous


    In A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America, historian Ronald Takaki presents a new and inclusive view of American history that establishes new networks and reconsiders certain distances between groups: “[r]ace…has been a social construction that has historically set apart racial minorities from European immigrant groups” (10). In the spirit of this book, this session wishes to contribute to a multicultural history of France by accepting papers on the literary and cinematic representations of diversity in France (including beyond the Hexagon) about the multiple groups making up the French mosaic and participating in its history, from World War I to today: (post)colonial, European, Latin American, North American or other groups.

    Please submit a 250-word abstract and a brief bio in French or English to Martine Fernandes Wagner at until June 15, 2021.

  • 10 May 2021 4:47 PM | Anonymous

    We are extending the submission deadline for proposals to the following Women in French sessions at the 2021 South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA) annual conference which will be held this year in Atlanta, Georgia from November 4-6. At this time SAMLA is proceeding optimistically with its plan to return to its traditional in-person format but is prepared to transition to an online forum in the event of updated travel and/or social gathering restrictions.   

    Please consider sending a proposal in French or English to one of the panel chairs listed below by June 30, 2021

    For more information on SAMLA and the annual conference, please visit the conference website:

    In addition to registering as a member of SAMLA and also for the SAMLA conference, presenters must also be current on their membership in Women in French. You may visit ( to become a member or to renew your membership. 

  • 23 Apr 2021 9:59 PM | Anonymous

    2nd Call for Papers for Women in French Open Panel
    SCMLA Annual Conference
    The Whitehall Hotel, Houston, Texas, October 7-9, 2021 (Hybrid Conference)

    The CFP for SCMLA 2021 has been extended to May 14

    We are pleased to announce that after last year's postponement, SCMLA 2021 has been rescheduled as a Hybrid Conference and will take place in Houston, TX at the historic Whitehall Hotel (as previously planned) from October 7-9, 2021. SCMLA will provide a virtual platform for those who are unable to attend in person and still wish to participate. Details about the 2021 SCMLA conference and membership are listed on our website. 

    This year's theme is "Politics of Protest," but you may propose a paper on any topic related to the study of French and Francophone women authors, the study of women's place in French and Francophone cultures or literature, and/or feminist literary criticism. As an Allied/Regular Affiliation, SCMLA will allow us one guaranteed session. All submissions from the 2020 conference have been carried over, but If there is sufficient interest, SCMLA will allow us to have a split-session. 

    For the WIF open panel, please send a 250-300 word abstract in French or English on any topic by May 14, 2021 to me, the Chair: Theresa Kennedy, Baylor University, ( and to the Secretary, South Central Regional Representative: Siham Bouamer, Sam Houston State University ( 

    Presenters must become SCMLA members by the time of the conference. More info may be found on the conference website:

  • 23 Apr 2021 9:44 PM | Anonymous

    Please see the attached file below for the "(Queer) Care – Decoloniality – Environmental Justice"conference panel at the September 2021 inaugural virtual conference "Contemporary French Civilization (CFC) Intersections".

    CFP2021_Contemporary French Civilization Intersections.docx

    Paper proposals due May 24th (see timeline below). Submit via this link. Questions can be addressed to panel organizers, Dr. Abigail E. Celis ( and Dr. Johanna Montlouis-Gabriel (

  • 15 Apr 2021 3:32 PM | Anonymous

    November 4-7, 2021
    2021 Midwest Modern Language Association Convention

    Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    I am pleased to announce the Call for Papers for WIF at the 2021 MMLA Convention (November 4-7 in Milwaukee, WI). Since the 2020 MMLA Convention was cancelled due to the ongoing pandemic, the organizers have retained the 2020 theme for 2021: “Cultures of Collectivity.”

    “At heart, the conference theme seeks to address a set of questions about how meaning is forged in connection with collective acts. How, for example, are cultures created by the gathering together of human subjects? What modes of collectivity, be they formal or informal, arise from culture, or have arisen historically? How might we meet and answer the salient political and social challenges of our time through collective response and collaboration—as artists, as academics, as teachers and students, and as laborers? We seek proposals that wrestle with these (or related) transhistorical questions about what it means to work, think, and join together under the auspices of language, literature, and culture.”

    Perhaps of interest are the nascent Cultures of Collectivity that have formed in the virtual sphere over the past year.

    Please send a 250-word abstract in French or English along with your academic affiliation, brief bio, and A/V requirements to Jennifer Howell, Illinois State University, by May 1, 2021. Proposals for complete panels and/or roundtables are also welcome.

    Notifications will be sent by May 15, 2021. All presenters must be current members of both the Midwest Modern Language Association and Women in French by July 1, 2021 in order to participate. If your submission for 2020 was accepted, you need not resubmit. I will be in contact with those individuals in May to confirm their participation. Additional information can be found on the conference website:

  • 15 Apr 2021 3:04 PM | Anonymous

    English version follows

    La conférence sera tenue du 12-14 mai 2022.

    Pour les détails complets, veuillez consulter le document suivant : 10e conférence internationale WIF.docx

    Contributions :

    Les propositions de communications ne doivent pas dépasser les 250 mots et doivent comprendre les coordonnées des intervenant.e.s ainsi qu’une notice bio-bibliographique (100 mots au maximum).

    Les organisatrices encouragent la soumission de panels (3 intervant.e.s au minimum, 4 au maximum). Les propositions de panels doivent comprendre une explication de 250 mots ainsi que toutes les propositions individuelles.

     Soumission :

    Les propositions individuelles ou de panels peuvent être soumises au plus tard le 1er septembre 2021 via le site Internet de la conférence :

    Report de la conférence WIF 2020 :

    Les présentations qui figuraient au programme de la conférence WIF 2020 seront automatiquement acceptées, à condition d’être resoumises à l’identique via le site de la conférence. Toute nouvelle contribution sera, en revanche, sujette à une évaluation par le comité scientifique. De même, les bourses WIF attribuées pour la conférence de 2020 seront automatiquement versées aux bénéficiaires, sous condition que leurs contributions soient identiques à celles sélectionnées pour l’édition de 2020. Toute nouvelle proposition de présentation devra faire l’objet d’une autre demande de bourse WIF.

    The conference will be held from the 12th-14th of May 2022.

    For complete details, you may refer to the following document: 10e conférence internationale WIF.docx


    Individual abstracts should not exceed 250 words and should include the presenter’s contact information as well as a short biography (100 words maximum). Proposals for three- or four-paper panels are also encouraged. Panel proposals should include a 250-word rationale for the proposed topic as well as individual abstracts.



    Individual abstracts or panel proposals must be submitted no later than September 1, 2021 via the conference website


    Postponement of the WIF 2020 conference:

    Papers included in the WIF 2020 conference program will be automatically accepted, provided they are submitted identically through the conference website. Any new contribution will, however, be evaluated by the scientific committee. Likewise, the WIF grants awarded for the 2020 conference will be automatically paid to the beneficiaries, under the condition that their contributions are identical to those selected for the 2020 edition. Any new presentation proposal would require an new application for a WIF conference grant.

  • 6 Apr 2021 11:16 AM | Anonymous

    You are invited to submit a proposal for the "Feminism(s) in the Age of Covid-19" interdisciplinary conference to be held on Friday the 24th of September 2021

    Click here to access the full CFP

    To submit a proposal, interested scholars should email an abstract (up to 300 words) and a biographical note (up to 100 words) for a 20-minute presentation in English to the organisers. The deadline for submitting the abstract is Friday, 30 April 2021. 

    Dr Mylène Branco (
    Dr Dominique Carlini Versini (

    A publication stemming from the conference is planned.

  • 10 Mar 2021 8:28 PM | Anonymous

    Invitation à envoyer vos propositions pour la MLA 2022.

    La date limite est le 15 mars 2021.

    Voir fichier joint pour plus d'informations : Masson GSA Appel à communications MLA 2022 (1).pdf

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